FAN7888MX Gate Drivers by ON Semiconductor

225V, 3.3/5V input logic compatible, 0.65/0.35A sink/source current, 3-Phase Half-Bridge Gate-Drive IC

Status: Active
Series: FAN7888
RoHS: Compliant
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The FAN7888 is a monolithic three half-bridge gate-drive IC designed for high-voltage, high-speed driving MOSFETs and IGBTs operating up to +200 V. ON Semiconductor’s high-voltage process and common-mode noise canceling technique provide stable operation of high-side drivers under high-dv/dt noise circumstances. An advanced level-shift circuit allows high-side gate driver operation up to VS = -9.8 V (typical) for VBS =15 V. The UVLO circuits prevent malfunction when VDD and VBS are lower than the specified threshold voltage. Output drivers typically source / sink 350mA / 650mA, respectively, which is suitable for three-phase half-bridge applications in motor drive systems.

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Floating Channel for Bootstrap Operation to +200 V
Typically 350 mA / 650 mA Sourcing/Sinking Current Driving Capability for All Channels
3 Half-Bridge Gate Driver
Extended Allowable Negative VS Swing to -9.8 V forSignal Propagation at VBS=15 V
Matched Propagation Delay Time Maximum: 50 ns
3.3 V and 5 V Input Logic Compatible
Built-in Shoot-Through Prevention Circuit for AllChannels with 270 ns Typical Dead Time
Built-in Common Mode dv/dt Noise Canceling Circuit
Built-in UVLO Functions for All Channels
Motion-Industrial motor


Description FAN7888
Compliance Pb-free Halide free
Power Switch MOSFET / IGBT
Number of Outputs 6
Topology Three Phase
Isolation Type Junction Isolation
Vin Max (V) 225
VCC Max (V) 25
Rise Time (ns) 50
Fall Time (ns) 30
Drive Source Current Typ (A) 0.35
Drive Sink Current Typ (A) 0.65
Turn On Prop. Delay Typ (ns) 130
Turn Off Prop. Delay Typ (ns) 150
Delay Matching 60
Package Type SOIC-20W

Alternative Descriptions

IGBT/MOSFET Driver, 6 Channels, 3-Phase Half Bridge, 650 mA, 10 V to 20 V, 150 ns, 20 Pins, WSOIC | Avnet America
FAN7888 Series 20 V 350 mA SMT 3 Channel Half Bridge Motor Driver - SOIC-20 | Future Electronics
GATE DRIVER, IGBT, MOSFET, -40TO125DEG C | element14

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find additional details, specifications and documents for a FAN7888MX?

Additional datasheets, footprints and schematics for FAN7888MX are listed on our Part Details page. You can also find images and similar parts to FAN7888MX on this page.

What pricing and inventory information can I view?

Distributor pricing and stock information is available for FAN7888MX on our Product Comparison page. Access via the 'View Pricing & Stock' button to view FAN7888MX price breaks, MOQs, lead times, inventory and SKUs from distributors.

What category does FAN7888MX fall under?

The FAN7888MX is listed under Power Management > Gate Drivers.

Can I view similar or alternative parts?

You can view similar parts to FAN7888MX when available in the Gate Drivers range under the specifications section at the bottom of the details page.

Who can I contact for technical support of the product?

Submit any questions directly to the customer support team of the distributor listing the product. For the FAN7888MX you can contact the distributor directly for product support, shipping queries etc.

Is the FAN7888MX RoHS compliant?

Yes. This part has been flagged as RoHS Compliant by ON Semiconductor.

Which authorised distributors for FAN7888MX have stock available?

Authorised distributors including Avnet America, Avnet Asia, Avnet Silica, Future Electronics and element14 have stock available or on a lead time for FAN7888MX.

How do I check stock and lead times for all distributors?

Stock availability and lead times will be displayed for FAN7888MX often in real-time on the comparison pages.

What if I can't find stock of FAN7888MX?

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