Machine Safety
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SENSOR LIGHT CURTAIN EMITTER; Control Output Type:NPN / PNP; Protection Height:143mm; Sensing Range Max:2m; Sensing Range Min:-; Supply Voltage Max:30VDC; Product Range:LX Series RoHS Compliant: Yes

SENSOR LIGHT CURTAIN RECEIVER; Control Output Type:NPN / PNP; Protection Height:143mm; Sensing Range Max:2m; Sensing Range Min:-; Supply Voltage Max:30VDC; Product Range:LX Series RoHS Compliant: Yes

SAFETY LIGHT CURTAIN; Performance Level:-; Safety Curtain Category:Level 4; Safety Integrity Level:-; No. of Beams:40; Protection Height:300mm; Sensing Range Max:6m; Beam Spacing:14mm; Control Output Type:2PNP; Supply Voltage:24VDC RoHS Compliant: Yes

SAFETY LIGHT CURTAIN; Performance Level:-; Safety Curtain Category:Level 4; Safety Integrity Level:-; No. of Beams:60; Protection Height:450mm; Sensing Range Max:6m; Beam Spacing:14mm; Control Output Type:2PNP; Supply Voltage:24VDC RoHS Compliant: Yes

SAFETY LIGHT CURTAIN; Performance Level:-; Safety Curtain Category:Level 4; Safety Integrity Level:-; No. of Beams:80; Protection Height:600mm; Sensing Range Max:6m; Beam Spacing:14mm; Control Output Type:2PNP; Supply Voltage:24VDC RoHS Compliant: Yes