Microprocessors - MPU
Microprocessors are computer processors that incorporate the main functions of CPU on a single or integrated circuit. They are multipurpose, digital, register-based, and clock-driven circuits that use binary data for input. Microprocessors process data according to memory-stored instructions before releasing them as outputs. They get input from various sources (or devices), process these, and turn them into the expected end result. Read More
Microprocessors perform a variety of functions, including logic and arithmetic operations (i.e. subtracting, transferring, comparing, and adding numbers). Basically, they are logic chips and act as the computer’s engine or brain. Every time a user turns on the computer, microprocessors start working. Thus, they can be told or instructed what to do.
There are four main microprocessor categories according to function: for general purpose computing, in handheld devices, for certain appliances, and microprocessors for supercomputers or high-performance computing.
- Microprocessors for general purpose computing are the ones ideally used on laptops and desktops.
- Microprocessors in handheld devices are those that are used in tablets, smartphones, and other portable devices. These processors are made to be powerful so they can be at par with the regular desktop or laptop computer. Most mobile devices have 4k recording and virtual reality capabilities as they’re equipped with a GPU or graphics processing unit.
- Microprocessors intended for home appliances are those that are created for navigation systems, high-definition TV, wireless communications, optical disc drives, and consumer multimedia products, among others. Cars, gaming, and smart home devices use microprocessors.
- Microprocessors that are ideal for high performance computing are for more complex devices, like supercomputers. These complex computers are essential elements in fields or areas like climate research, quantum mechanics, physical stimulations, and weather forecasting.
Microprocessors are also categorized as CISC or Complex Instruction Set Computer and RISC or Reduced Instruction Set Computer.
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MICROPROCESSOR-MPU IC; Product Range:Coldfire V2 Family MCF525x Series Microprocessors; MPU Core Size:32bit; Program Memory Size:8KB; No. of Pins:225Pins; MPU Case Style:MAPBGA; Supply Voltage Min:3V; Supply Voltage Max:3.6V RoHS Compliant: Yes

V3 COLDFIRE MICROPROCESSOR WITH LCD DRIVER, ETHERNET, USB AND CAN; Product Range:Coldfire V3 Family MCF532x Series Microprocessors; MPU Core Size:32bit; Program Memory Size:16KB; No. of Pins:256Pins; MPU Case Style:MAPBGA RoHS Compliant: Yes

MICROPROCESSOR-MPU IC; Product Range:Coldfire V3 Family MCF532x Series Microprocessors; MPU Core Size:32bit; Program Memory Size:16KB; No. of Pins:256Pins; MPU Case Style:MAPBGA; Supply Voltage Min:1.4V; Supply Voltage Max:1.6V RoHS Compliant: Yes

MICROPROCESSOR; Product Range:ColdFire V3 MCF537X Series; MPU Core Size:32bit; Program Memory Size:16KB; No. of Pins:196Pins; MPU Case Style:MAPBGA; Supply Voltage Min:3V; Supply Voltage Max:1.6V; Operating Temperature Min:-40°C RoHS Compliant: Yes

32 BIT MICROPROCESSOR-MPU, 40MHZ, QFP-160; Product Range:Coldfire V2 Family MCF520x Series Microprocessors; MPU Core Size:32bit; Program Memory Size:512Byte; No. of Pins:160Pins; MPU Case Style:QFP; Supply Voltage Min:4.75V RoHS Compliant: Yes

32 BIT MICROPROCESSOR-MPU, 54MHZ, QFP-160; Product Range:Coldfire V2 Family MCF520x Series Microprocessors; MPU Core Size:32bit; Program Memory Size:512Byte; No. of Pins:160Pins; MPU Case Style:QFP; Supply Voltage Min:4.75V RoHS Compliant: Yes

32 BIT MICROPROCESSOR-MPU, 40MHZ, QFP-160; Product Range:Coldfire V2 Family MCF520x Series Microprocessors; MPU Core Size:32bit; Program Memory Size:512Byte; No. of Pins:160Pins; MPU Case Style:QFP; Supply Voltage Min:4.75V RoHS Compliant: Yes

32-BIT EMBEDDED MICROPROCESSOR; Product Range:Coldfire+ Family MC683xx Series Microprocessors; MPU Core Size:32bit; Program Memory Size:-; No. of Pins:240Pins; MPU Case Style:FQFP; Supply Voltage Min:4.75V; Supply Voltage Max:5.25V RoHS Compliant: Yes

32 BIT MICROCONTROLLER MCU COLDFIRE/68K 25MHZ FQFP-240; Product Range:Coldfire+ Family MC683xx Series Microprocessors; MPU Core Size:32bit; Program Memory Size:-; No. of Pins:240Pins; MPU Case Style:FQFP; Supply Voltage Min:3V RoHS Compliant: Yes

MPU, 32BIT, 66MHZ, BGA-196; Product Range:Coldfire V2 Family MCF527x Series Microprocessors; MPU Core Size:32bit; Program Memory Size:1KB; No. of Pins:196Pins; MPU Case Style:BGA; Supply Voltage Min:3V; Supply Voltage Max:3.6V RoHS Compliant: Yes


MICROPROCESSOR-MPU IC; Product Range:Coldfire V2 Family MCF527x Series Microprocessors; MPU Core Size:32bit; Program Memory Size:8KB; No. of Pins:196Pins; MPU Case Style:BGA; Supply Voltage Min:3V; Supply Voltage Max:1.6V RoHS Compliant: Yes

32-BIT EMBEDDED MICROPROCESSOR; Product Range:Coldfire+ Family MC683xx Series Microprocessors; MPU Core Size:32bit; Program Memory Size:-; No. of Pins:240Pins; MPU Case Style:FQFP; Supply Voltage Min:4.75V; Supply Voltage Max:5.25V RoHS Compliant: Yes

32-BIT EMBEDDED MICROPROCESSOR; Product Range:Coldfire+ Family MC683xx Series Microprocessors; MPU Core Size:32bit; Program Memory Size:32bit; No. of Pins:240Pins; MPU Case Style:FQFP; Supply Voltage Min:4.75V; CPU Speed:33MHz RoHS Compliant: Yes

HCS08 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER IC; Product Range:Coldfire+ Family MC683xx Series Microprocessors; MPU Core Size:32bit; Program Memory Size:-; No. of Pins:100Pins; MPU Case Style:LQFP; Supply Voltage Min:3V; Supply Voltage Max:3.6V RoHS Compliant: Yes

HCS08 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER IC; Product Range:Coldfire+ Family MC683xx Series Microprocessors; MPU Core Size:32bit; Program Memory Size:-; No. of Pins:100Pins; MPU Case Style:LQFP; Supply Voltage Min:3V; Supply Voltage Max:3.6V RoHS Compliant: Yes

32 BIT MICROPROCESSOR-MPU, 16MHZ, QFP-64; Product Range:Coldfire+ Family MC680xx Series Microprocessors; MPU Core Size:32bit; Program Memory Size:-; No. of Pins:64Pins; MPU Case Style:QFP; Supply Voltage Min:5V; Supply Voltage Max:5VRoHS Compliant: Yes

32 BIT MICROPROCESSOR-MPU, 20MHZ, QFP-64; Product Range:Coldfire+ Family MC680xx Series Microprocessors; MPU Core Size:32bit; Program Memory Size:-; No. of Pins:64Pins; MPU Case Style:QFP; Supply Voltage Min:5V; Supply Voltage Max:5VRoHS Compliant: Yes

32-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 68K, 16MHZ, 144-LQFP; Product Range:Coldfire+ Family MC683xx Series Microprocessors; MPU Core Size:32bit; Program Memory Size:-; No. of Pins:144Pins; MPU Case Style:LQFP; Supply Voltage Min:4.5V RoHS Compliant: Yes

MULTIPROTOCOL PROCESSOR 16MHZ PQFP132; Product Range:Coldfire+ Family MC683xx Series Microprocessors; MPU Core Size:32bit; Program Memory Size:-; No. of Pins:132Pins; MPU Case Style:PQFP; Supply Voltage Min:4.5V; CPU Speed:16MHz RoHS Compliant: Yes