DSPIC33FJ256GP710A-I/PT More Semiconductors - ICs by Microchip Technology

Status: Active
Series: dsPIC33FJ256GP710A
RoHS: Compliant
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 â€¢dsPIC33Fs are designed to execute digital filter algorithms and high-speed precision digital control loops, ideal for applications that need to perform under pressure           â€¢General Purpose Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs) with advanced analog and seamless migration options to PIC24F, PIC24H MCUs and dsPIC30F DSCs 

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Prices starting from US$7.21

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Operating Conditions
Up to 40 MIPS operation
3.0V to 3.6V, -40ºC to +150ºC, DC to 20 MIPS
3.0V to 3.6V, -40ºC to +125ºC, DC to 40 MIPS
High-performance dsPIC33F core
Code-efficient (C and Assembly) architecture
Two 40-bit wide accumulators
Single-cycle (MAC/MPY) with dual data fetch
Single-cycle mixed-sign MUL plus hardware divide
Clock Management
Programmable PLLs and oscillator clock sources
±2% internal oscillator
Fail-Safe Clock Monitor (FSCM)
Independent Watchdog Timer (WDT)
Fast wake-up and start-up
Power Management
Low-power management modes (Sleep, Idle, Doze)
Integrated Power-on Reset and Brown-out Reset
2.1 mA/MHz dynamic current (typical)
50 μA IPD current (typical)
Advanced Analog Features
Two ADC modules: - Configurable as 10-bit, 1.1 Msps with four S&H or 12-bit, 500 ksps with one S&H - 18 analog inputs on 64-pin devices and up to 32 analog inputs on 100-pin devices
Flexible and independent ADC trigger sources
Timers/Output Compare/Input Capture
Up to nine 16-bit timers/counters (Can pair up to make four 32-bit timers)
Eight Output Compare modules configurable as timers/counters
Eight Input Capture modules Communication Interfaces
Two UART modules (10 Mbps) - With support for LIN 2.0 protocols and IrDA®
Two 4-wire SPI modules (15 Mbps)
Up to two I2Câ„¢ modules (up to 1 Mbaud) with SM Bus support
Up to two Enhanced CAN (ECAN) modules (1 Mbaud) with CAN 2.0B support
Data Converter Interface (DCI) module with I2S codec support
Sink/Source up to 10 mA (pin specific) for standard VOH/VOL, up to 16 mA (pin specific) for non-standard VOH1
5V-tolerant pins
Selectable open drain, pull-ups, and pull-downs
Up to 5 mA overvoltage clamp current
External interrupts on all I/O pins
Debugger Development Support
In-circuit and in-application programming
Two program and two complex data breakpoints
IEEE 1149.2-compatible (JTAG) boundary scan
Trace and run-time watch


Architecture 16
MaxSpeed (MHz) 40
Program Memory Size (KB) 256
Multiple Flash Panels False
Direct Memory Access (DMA) Channels 8
Temp. Range Min. -40
Temp. Range Max. 150
Operation Voltage Min.(V) 3
Operation Voltage Max.(V) 3.6
Pin Count 100
Low Power No
Number of Comparators 0
Number of ADCs 2
ADC Channels 32
Max ADC Resolution (bits) 12
Max ADC Sampling Rate (ksps) 1100
Number of DACs 0
DAC outputs 0
Max DAC Resolution (bits) 0
Hardware RTCC No
Motor Control PWM Channels 0
SMPS PWM Channels 0
Number of PWM Time Bases 2
Output Compare Channels 8
USB Interface None
Number of CAN Modules 2
Type of CAN module CAN
Crypto Engine No
Quadrature Encoder Interface (QEI) 0
Segment LCD 0
LCD/Graphics Interface No
Configurable Logic Cell Modules (CLC /CCL) 0
Peripheral Pin Select (PPS)/Pin Muxing No
Pins | Packaging 100 | TQFP
Temp Range -40C to +85C
Packing Media Tray (119)


Application Notes
AN699 - Anti-Aliasing, Analog Filters for Data Acquisition Systems
AN1044 - Data Encryption Routines for PIC24 and dsPIC Devices
AN1069 - Using C30 Compiler and the SPI module to Interface EEPROMs with dsPIC33F and PIC24F
AN1079 - Using the C30 Compiler and the I2C? Peripheral to Interface Serial EEPROMs with dsPIC33F
AN1096 - Using the C30 Compiler to Interface SPI Serial EEPROMs with dsPIC33
AN1100 - Using the C30 Compiler to Interface Serial EEPROMs with dsPIC33F
AN1045 - File I/O Functions Using Microchip's
AN1115 - Implementing Digital Lock-In Amplifiers Using the dsPIC DSC
AN1152 - Achieving Higher ADC Resolution Using Oversampling
AN1210 - Using External Memory with PIC24F/24H/dsPIC33F Devices
AN1236 - Using C30 and a Timer to Interface dsPIC33 DSCs and PIC24 MCUs with UNI/O(R) Bus-Compatible Serial EEPROMs
AN1249 - ECAN Operation with DMA on dsPIC33F and PIC24H Devices

Code Examples
CE100 - Using A/D Converters and DSP Library for Signal Filtering
CE101 - Configuring 10-bit A/D Converters for 1MSPS Conversion Rate
CE102 - Performing A/D Conversions in SLEEP (Low-Power) Mode
CE103 - Implementing DOZE Mode for Dynamic CPU Power Control
CE104 - Dynamic Clock Switching for Low Power Operation
CE105 - Address Error Traps for Easy Debugging
CE106 - Math Error Traps for Robust Operation
CE107 - Stack Error Traps for Easy Debugging
CE108 - Oscillator Failure Traps and Failsafe Clock Monitoring
CE109 - Run-Time Self Programming of FLASH Program Memory
CE110 - Dynamic Tuning of Internal Fast RC
CE111 - External Interrupt Pins Configuration and Use
CE112 - Fast Wake-up From Sleep Mode
CE113 - Timer1 used in Real-Time Clock Applications
CE114 - Using the DMA with the UART in Loopback mode
CE115 - Example of Handling a DMA Trap
CE116 - Using the DMA with the SPI module
CE117 - Using the DMA with DCI peripheral for I2S driver
CE118 - Using FIR Filters From dsPIC Filter Design and DSP Library
CE119 Interfacing to I2C Serial EEPROM using I2C peripheral
CE120 A/D Conversions with Scanning through selected Analog Inputs with DMA
CE121 A/D Conversions with Scanning through selected Analog Inputs without DMA
CE122 - ADC Alternate Sampling
CE123 - CodeGuard(TM) Security: segment creation and code placement
CE124 - CodeGuard(TM) Security: Program flow changes between segments
CE125 - CodeGuard(TM) Security: Secure Segment Erase
CE127 - Crosswire Communication between ECAN 1 and ECAN 2 modules
CE128 - ECAN FIFO Receive Example
CE129 - ECAN Remote Transmission Request
CE135 - SPI Demo
CE136 - SPI without DMA
CE137 - UART without DMA
CE138 - SPI with two slaves
CE139 - 10-bit ADC Sampling at 2.2MSPS
CE140 - Inverse tangent operation using CORDIC iterative approximation
CE141 - SPI with Framed mode
CE142 - Open Drain configuration
CE132 - Si3000 Driver
CE143 - Using Timer1 for Period Interrupts
CE144 - CodeGuard Application Example
CE145 - Using I2C module as a Slave device
CE146 - Adaptive Notch Filter
CE147 - Signal Matching using Coherence Function Cross Spectral Density
CE148 - ADC Sampling with DMA and FIR Filtering - Apps include Circuit Breakers
CE149 - Signal generation, fractional sampling rate, interpolation, decimation
CE150 - JPEG Entropy Coding
CE151 - CRC Generation
CE153 - RTCC
CE154 - ADC to DAC Loopback
CE152 - Parallel Master Port (PMP) Example
CE155 - Real-Time Data Monitoring (RTDM) Example

Reference Manuals
Section 01. Introduction - dsPIC33F FRM
Section 02. CPU - dsPIC33F FRM
Section 03. Data Memory - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM
Section 04. Program Memory - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM
Section 05. Flash Programming - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM
Section 06. Interrupts - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM
Section 07. Oscillator - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM
Section 08. Reset - dsPIC33F FRM
Section 09. Watchdog Timer and Power-Saving Modes - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM
Section 10. I/O Ports - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM
Section 11. Timers - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM
Section 12. Input Capture - dsPIC33F FRM
Section 16. Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM
Section 20. Data Converter Interface (DCI) - dsPIC33F FRM
dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM, Enhanced Controller Area Network (CAN) - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM
Section 22. Direct Memory Access (DMA) - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM
Section 23. CodeGuard Security - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM
Section 24. Programming and Diagnostics - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM
Section 25. Device Configuration - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM
Section 26. Development Tool Support - dsPIC33F FRM
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, I2C
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, Output Compare
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

Environmental Information

JEDEC Indicator e3
ROHS Compliant
China EFUP Compliant
Device Weight (g) 0.391
Shipping Weight (kg) 1.596639
Lead Count 100
Package Type TQFP
Package Width or Size 12x12x1mm
Soldering Composition Matte Tin

Alternative Descriptions

16 Bit MCU/DSP 100LD 40MIPS 256KB FLASH | Microchip Technology
dsPIC33F Series 30 kB RAM 256 kB Flash 16-Bit Digital Signal Controller TQFP-100 | Future Electronics
MCU&DSP 256K Flash 32K RAM 2ECAN TQFP100 | RS
Dsc, 16Bit, 256Kb, 80Mhz, 3.6V, Tqfp-100 | Newark Electronics
DSC, 16BIT, 256KB, 80MHZ, 3.6V, TQFP-100 | element14
MCU 16-bit dSPIC33 dsPIC RISC 256KB Flash 3.3V 100-Pin TQFP Tray | Avnet America
MCU&DSP 256K Flash 32K RAM 2ECAN TQFP100 | Microchip Technology Inc. DSPIC33FJ256GP710A-I/PT | RS Americas

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find additional details, specifications and documents for a DSPIC33FJ256GP710A-I/PT?

Additional datasheets, footprints and schematics for DSPIC33FJ256GP710A-I/PT are listed on our Part Details page. You can also find images and similar parts to DSPIC33FJ256GP710A-I/PT on this page.

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What category does DSPIC33FJ256GP710A-I/PT fall under?

The DSPIC33FJ256GP710A-I/PT is listed under Semiconductors - ICs > More Semiconductors - ICs.

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Is the DSPIC33FJ256GP710A-I/PT RoHS compliant?

Yes. This part has been flagged as RoHS Compliant by Microchip Technology.

Which authorised distributors for DSPIC33FJ256GP710A-I/PT have stock available?

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