MCP4562T-503E/MF More Semiconductors - ICs by Microchip Technology

8-Bit Single Digital POT with NVM and I2C™

Status: Active
Series: mcp4562
RoHS: Compliant
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The MCP456X devices are single channel, non-volatile, 8-bit (257 wiper steps) digital potentiometers with EEPROM and an I2C compatible interface. The MCP456X family is available with end-to-end resistor values of 5KΩ, 10KΩ, 50kΩ and 100KΩ. These devices offer WiperLock™ Technology which allows the user unlimited reprogramming and locking of the wiper setting. It is useful for equipment that requires factory trimming or recalibration. The MCP456X devices offer a variety of configurations simplifying design while minimizing cost, package size and pin count.

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Prices starting from US$0.94

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Single Resistor Network
Potentiometer or Rheostat configuration options
8-bit: 256 Resistors (129 Steps)
Zero-scale to Full-scale Wiper Operation
Low Wiper Resistance – 75Ω typical
Absolute (Rheostat) – 50 ppm typical (0°-70°C)
Ratiometric (Potentiometer) – 15 ppm typical
100 kHz
400 kHz
3.4 MHz
Brown-out Reset Protection – 1.5V typical
Serial Interface Inactive Current – 2.5 uA typical
High-Voltage Tolerant Digital Inputs Up to 12.5V
2.7V to 5.5V - Device Characteristics Specified
1.8V to 5.5V - Device Operation
Wide Bandwidth (-3 dB) Operation – 2 MHz typical for 5.0Ω Device
Extended Temperature Range (-40°C to +125°C)
AEC-Q100 Grade 1 quarlified


Resolution (Number of Taps) 257
Resistance (ohms) k 5, 10, 50, 100
Pins | Packaging 8 | DFN
Temp Range -40C to +125C
Packing Media Tape and reel (3300)

Environmental Information

JEDEC Indicator e3
ROHS Compliant
China EFUP Compliant
Device Weight (g) 0.0238
Shipping Weight (kg) 0.172727
Lead Count 8
Package Type DFN
Package Width or Size 3x3x0.9mm
Soldering Composition Matte Tin

Alternative Descriptions

Single 8-bit, Non-Volatile linear Rheostat w/I2C | Microchip Technology
Single, 8Bit, Nv, I2C, Rheo 8 Dfn 3X3X0.9Mm T/R Rohs Compliant: Yes |Microchip MCP4562T-503E/MF | Newark Electronics
Digital Potentiometer 256POS 50k Ohm Single 8-Pin DFN EP T/R | Avnet America
Digital Potentiometer, ICs Sngl 8B NV I2C Rheo | Microchip Technology Inc. MCP4562T-503E/MF | RS Americas

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find additional details, specifications and documents for a MCP4562T-503E/MF?

Additional datasheets, footprints and schematics for MCP4562T-503E/MF are listed on our Part Details page. You can also find images and similar parts to MCP4562T-503E/MF on this page.

What pricing and inventory information can I view?

Distributor pricing and stock information is available for MCP4562T-503E/MF on our Product Comparison page. Access via the 'View Pricing & Stock' button to view MCP4562T-503E/MF price breaks, MOQs, lead times, inventory and SKUs from distributors.

What category does MCP4562T-503E/MF fall under?

The MCP4562T-503E/MF is listed under Semiconductors - ICs > More Semiconductors - ICs.

Can I view similar or alternative parts?

You can view similar parts to MCP4562T-503E/MF when available in the More Semiconductors - ICs range under the specifications section at the bottom of the details page.

Who can I contact for technical support of the product?

Submit any questions directly to the customer support team of the distributor listing the product. For the MCP4562T-503E/MF you can contact the distributor directly for product support, shipping queries etc.

Is the MCP4562T-503E/MF RoHS compliant?

Yes. This part has been flagged as RoHS Compliant by Microchip Technology.

Which authorised distributors for MCP4562T-503E/MF have stock available?

Authorised distributors including Microchip Technology, Newark Electronics, Avnet America, RS Americas and EBV Elektronik have stock available or on a lead time for MCP4562T-503E/MF.

How do I check stock and lead times for all distributors?

Stock availability and lead times will be displayed for MCP4562T-503E/MF often in real-time on the comparison pages.

What if I can't find stock of MCP4562T-503E/MF?

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