MC33063AD DC-DC Power Conversion by ON Semiconductor

Buck / Boost / Inverting Regulator, Switching, 1.5 A

Status: Unknown
Series: MC33063A
RoHS: Compliant
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The MC34063A Series is a monolithic control circuit containing the primary functions required for dc-to-dc converters. These Buck Boost Inverting Switching Regulators consist of an internal temperature compensated reference, comparator, controlled duty cycle oscillator with an active current limit circuit, driver and high current output switch. This series was specifically designed to be incorporated in Step down (Buck), Step up (Boost) and Voltage-Inverting applications with a minimum number of external components. Refer to Application Notes AN920A/D and AN954/D for additional design information. The MC33063 is an extended temperature version. The NCV33063 is an extended temp version for automotive.

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Operation from 3.0 V to 40 V Input
Low Standby Current
Current Limiting
Output Switch Current to 1.5 A
Output Voltage Adjustable
Frequency Operation to 100 kHz
Precision 2% Reference
4x4mm DFN package option
MC34063A = 0 to +70degC
MC33063A = -40 to +85degC
MC33063AV / NCV33063A = -40 to +125degC
Wide input voltage range usable for many applications
<100uA Collector Off-State Current
Adjustable current limit provides improved protection
Large 1.5A peak current capability provides up to ~1A of average current output
External resistor divider for various output voltage options
Optimize frequency for size or efficiency
Accurate system level performance
Exposed pad package allows for higher output current and improved thermal performance
For Higher Switching Frequency See NCP3063
Fan Controller
For DFN package see MC33063MNTXG
Power Supply
End Products
For Dedicated ENABLE Pin and Higher Switching Frequency See NCP3064
DC-DC Power Supply
Cigarette Lighter Adapter (CLA)



Alternative Descriptions


MC33063AD Semiconductors - ICs by Texas Instruments


Status: Unknown
Series: MC33063A
RoHS: Unknown
Download Datasheet Visit Manufacturer Site View Pricing & Stock

The MC33063A and MC34063A devices are easy-touse ICs containing all the primary circuitry needed for building simple DC-DC converters. These devices primarily consist of an internal temperaturecompensated reference, a comparator, an oscillator, a PWM controller with active current limiting, a driver, and a high-current output switch. Thus, the devices require minimal external components to build converters in the boost, buck, and inverting topologies. The MC33063A device is characterized for operation from –40°C to 85°C, while the MC34063A device is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.


Topology Buck Boost Inverting
Input Voltage Min 3V
Input Voltage Max 40V
No. of Outputs 1Outputs
DC / DC Converter IC Case SOIC
No. of Pins 8Pins
Output Current 1.5A
Output Voltage Min 1.25V
Output Voltage Max 40V
Switching Frequency 100kHz
Operating Temperature Max 85°C
Product Range MC33063A
Automotive Qualification Standard -
MSL MSL 1 - Unlimited
SVHC No SVHC (27-Jun-2018)
Frequency 100kHz
IC Generic Number 33063
Operating Temperature Min -40°C
Operating Temperature Range -40°C to +85°C
Output Voltage 1.25V
Primary Input Voltage 40V
Supply Voltage Min 3V
Termination Type Surface Mount Device
Voltage Regulator Type Boost-Buck Regulator

Alternative Descriptions

Conv DC-DC Single-OUT Non-Inv/Inv/Step | RS
Dc/Dc Converter, Smd, 33063, Soic8 | Newark Electronics
DC/DC CONVERTER, SMD, 33063, SOIC8 | element14

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find additional details, specifications and documents for a MC33063AD?

Additional datasheets, footprints and schematics for MC33063AD are listed on our Part Details page. You can also find images and similar parts to MC33063AD on this page.

What pricing and inventory information can I view?

Distributor pricing and stock information is available for MC33063AD on our Product Comparison page. Access via the 'View Pricing & Stock' button to view MC33063AD price breaks, MOQs, lead times, inventory and SKUs from distributors.

What category does MC33063AD fall under?

The MC33063AD is listed under Power Management > DC-DC Power Conversion > Converters.

Can I view similar or alternative parts?

You can view similar parts to MC33063AD when available in the Converters range under the specifications section at the bottom of the details page.

Who can I contact for technical support of the product?

Submit any questions directly to the customer support team of the distributor listing the product. For the MC33063AD you can contact the distributor directly for product support, shipping queries etc.

Is the MC33063AD RoHS compliant?

Yes. This part has been flagged as RoHS Compliant by ON Semiconductor.

Which authorised distributors for MC33063AD have stock available?

Authorised distributors including TME, RS, Newark Electronics, element14 and Farnell have stock available or on a lead time for MC33063AD.

How do I check stock and lead times for all distributors?

Stock availability and lead times will be displayed for MC33063AD often in real-time on the comparison pages.

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