ADM2587EBRWZ Isolated RS-485 by Analog Devices

Status: Production
Series: ADM2587E
RoHS: Compliant
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The ADM2582E / ADM2587E are fully integrated signal and power isolated data transceivers with ±15 kV ESD protection and are suitable for high speed communication on multipoint transmission lines. The ADM2582E / ADM2587E include an integrated isolated dc-to-dc power supply, which eliminates the need for an external dc-to-dc isolation block.They are designed for balanced transmission lines and comply with ANSI/TIA/EIA-485-A-98 and ISO 8482:1987(E).The devices integrate Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler® technology to combine a 3-channel isolator, a three-state differential line driver, a differential input receiver, and Analog Devices isoPower dc-to-dc converter into a single package. The devices are powered by a single 5 V or 3.3 V supply, realizing a fully integrated signal and power isolated RS-485 solution.The ADM2582E / ADM2587E driver has an active high enable. An active low receiver enable is also provided that causes the receiver output to enter a high impedance state when disabled.The devices have current limiting and thermal shutdown features to protect against output short circuits and situations where bus contention may cause excessive power dissipation. The parts are fully specified over the industrial temperature range and are available in a highly integrated, 20-lead, wide-body SOIC package.The ADM2582E / ADM2587E contain isoPower technology that uses high frequency switching elements to transfer power through the transformer. Special care must be taken during printed circuit board (PCB) layout to meet emissions standards. Refer to Application Note AN-0971, Control of Radiated Emissions with isoPower Devices, for details on board layout considerations.

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Prices starting from US$7.89

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Isolated RS-485/RS-422 transceiver, configurable as half or full duplex
isoPower integrated isolated dc-to-dc converter
±15 kV ESD protection on RS-485 input/output pins
ADM2582E data rate: 16 Mbps
ADM2587E data rate: 500 kbps
5 V or 3.3 V operation
See datasheet for additional features

Alternative Descriptions

ISOLATED RS485 HD/FD 500kbps I | Analog Devices
Line Transceiver 1TR 1TX 1RX 20-Pin SOIC | RS
Transceiver, Isolated, Rs485, 85Deg C | Newark Electronics

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find additional details, specifications and documents for a ADM2587EBRWZ?

Additional datasheets, footprints and schematics for ADM2587EBRWZ are listed on our Part Details page. You can also find images and similar parts to ADM2587EBRWZ on this page.

What pricing and inventory information can I view?

Distributor pricing and stock information is available for ADM2587EBRWZ on our Product Comparison page. Access via the 'View Pricing & Stock' button to view ADM2587EBRWZ price breaks, MOQs, lead times, inventory and SKUs from distributors.

What category does ADM2587EBRWZ fall under?

The ADM2587EBRWZ is listed under Isolated RS-485.

Can I view similar or alternative parts?

You can view similar parts to ADM2587EBRWZ when available in the Isolated RS-485 range under the specifications section at the bottom of the details page.

Who can I contact for technical support of the product?

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Is the ADM2587EBRWZ RoHS compliant?

Yes. This part has been flagged as RoHS Compliant by Analog Devices.

Which authorised distributors for ADM2587EBRWZ have stock available?

Authorised distributors including Farnell, element14, Richardson RFPD, Chip One Stop and Analog Devices have stock available or on a lead time for ADM2587EBRWZ.

How do I check stock and lead times for all distributors?

Stock availability and lead times will be displayed for ADM2587EBRWZ often in real-time on the comparison pages.

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