In this article, we will describe everything you should know about the MBRS360T3G diode. This particular electronic part has been manufactured by ON Semiconductor now rebranded as onsemi. And it is available for purchase right now courtesy of oemsecrets, with the major authorised distributors including such companies as Farnell, Future Electronics and RS Components UK. At this point, we would like to go into detail about this diode for those looking explore its potentials for upcoming projects. 


The MBRS360T3G falls under discrete semiconductors and specifically a diode. Diodes are unique because they allow electric current to travel in one particular direction. As part of its functionality, a diode significantly reduces the flow of an electric current in the complete opposite direction. It is frequently used within modern electronic devices, where it’s important for an electric current to travel primarily in one direction rather than both ways. Amongst the machines using a diode are traffic lights, vending machines and also scoreboards. And if you wish to use a diode yourself, the MBRS360T3G is the template example of a first-class semiconductor diode.

MBRS360T3G Technical Specifications

The MBRS360T3G diode has repetitive reverse voltage vrrm max of 60V, as well as a forward current of 3A. The design of this diode has a single configuration with a DO-214AB case style. Sporting two pins, the diode has a forward voltage VF max of 740mV, as well as a forward surge current Ifsm max of 80A. Additionally, its minimum operating temperature is -65°C whilst its maximum operating temperature is 175°C, and it has an automotive qualification standard of AEC-Q101. All of these are just some of the reasons why this is a leading semiconductor diode due to its flexible temperature range, its sleek design and its powerful voltage levels.

Other MBRS360T3G Notes

The MBRS360T3G semiconductor diode comes with a user manual that allows customers new and old to easily adapt to using this product. Because it monitors a one-way flow of an electric current, it’s vital that the diode is fitted properly into the corresponding machines. The datasheet manual will advise on how you can do this quickly and safely and we have provided you with a link below.

Why You Need The MBRS360T3G

The MBRS360T3G is a great example of a semiconductor diode that does everything that you require from such a product. It is powerful, miniature and light, while also being capable of working within a huge number of heating and electrical conditions. But it also ensures that its linking machines also operate to the necessary standard. After all, they cannot truly work without the appropriate background flow of electric currents. And you can achieve this effortlessly by using the MBRS360T3G semiconductor diode.

Pricing And Availability

The lowest break price today for the MBRS360T3G diode is £0.14. And it’s currently available from RS Components right now on oemsecrets. If you wish to buy this diode, or if you simply want more information about this item, simply visit and you can learn everything that you need to know there.